fantom u biblioteci phantom in the library


Zoran Milutinović
Ova knjiga je „iznuđeni nastavak“ prethodne monografije Bitka za prošlost. Ivo Andrić i bošnjački nacionalizam, zbog javljanja novih, na sličan način kao ranije formulisanih, ideološki „obojenih“ „tumačenja“ Andrićevog dela i biografije… Ako su bili očekivani napadi iz redova često nadobudnih amatera, koji su mrtvom Andriću na dušu stavljali sve i svašta, o čemu je Milutinović dao svoj jasan, oštar i često, s razlogom, ironičan sud, tim je pre teško u potpunosti razumeti podsticaj za nastanak spisa iz pera književnika i znalca, a koji je Milutinovića nagnao da se ponovo vrati na istu temu ovom studijom – s istim ubedljivim rezultatom po predmet njegove analize.Dr Milan Ristović, redovni profesor Filozofskog fakulteta u BeograduFantom u biblioteci po svemu je dostojan nastavak kapitalne studije Bitka za prošlost, polemički spis koji na upečatljiv način kruniše i zatvara raspravu Zorana Milutinovića sa protagonistima i pristalicama zlonamernog tumačenja Andrićevog opusa u nacionalističkom ključu. Utemeljena na čvrstim teorijskim i analitičkim argumentima, Milutinovićeva rasprava bespoštedno raskrinkava besmislenost svakog pokušaja političke zloupotrebe književnosti.Dr Zoran Paunović, redovni profesor Filološkog fakulteta u Beogradu i Filozofskog fakulteta u Novom Sadu. Dopisni član Srpske akademije nauka i umetnosti This book is an enforced sequel to the author’s previous study, Battle for the Past: Ivo Andrić and Bosnian Nationalism, instigated by the appearance of new, ideologically biased “interpretations” of Andrić’s works and life, quite similar to earlier ones. While the attacks from the ranks of frequently self-righteous amateurs – prone to throwing all sorts of accusations at the dead writer – were somehow to be expected, and fought off by Zoran Milutinović with clear, sharp and often justifiably ironic arguments, it is difficult to understand the motives of a writer and scholar whose treatise prompted Milutinović to return to the same topic with this new book – with the same, compelling result for the subject of his analysis. Milan Ristović, University of BelgradePhantom in the Library provides a befitting sequel to its author’s seminal study Battle for the Past: it is a polemical treatise that crowns and closes the dispute that Zoran Milutinović held with the protagonists and supporters of malicious interpretations of Ivo Andrić’s works within a nationalist context. Founded upon firm theoretical and analytical arguments, Milutinović’s work uncompromisingly demonstrates the absurdity of any attempt to politically misuse literature.Zoran Paunović, University of Belgrade, University of Novi Sad, and Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts